Visiting the Best IVF Clinic in Delhi! But Worried About the Covid 19 Situation?
Are you thinking about getting IVF treatment but not sure if it is safe during the pandemic? Are you concerned that the coronavirus pandemic may affect your child? If you answered yes, you are not alone. In India, about one in six couples is looking for a cure for infertility. People who seek IVF treatment to get pregnant are already under a lot of stress. The procedure is all about waiting, and that can be an emotional roller coaster for many people.
With pandemic in addition, an already complex procedure becomes much more daunting. Therefore, it is normal to wonder if now is the optimal time for embryo collection or transfer. During this difficult time, we at the best IVF clinic in Delhi felt it necessary to educate you about the aspects of reproductive treatment during the pandemic. Here is what every couple undergoing IVF treatment during the Covid era should know:
Should You Delay IVF treatment?
Before proceeding, here we are addressing the most frequently asked question by our patients: “whether they should postpone IVF therapy”. The majority of women of reproductive age are generally not in the high-risk group. Therefore, it may not be necessary to postpone your treatment cycle or IVF consultation.
To avoid the possibility of transmission, we comply with all government guidelines. Our laboratory also has a filtration system and positive pressure air handling system and is constantly monitored for quality assurance and thorough cleaning. This reduces the possibility of transmission from COVID to embryos, eggs, or sperm.
According to a study, high fever during an IVF cycle or egg freezing may necessitate more meds, fewer recovered eggs, and maybe a longer cycle. But, there is no evidence that COVID -19 fever affects fertility.
The risk of COVID-19 infection in pregnant women is the same as in nonpregnant women. In addition, there is insufficient evidence that pregnant women can transmit COVID infection to their fetus.
Precautions You Should Take While Undergoing IVF
While there are numerous steps to take to avoid COVID-19 infection, the following ones are particularly important:
- When you’re out in public, always wear a mask.
- Make an appointment for yourself, stick to your schedule, and be on time for your appointment.
- If you experience symptoms such as a cough, cold, or fever, make sure to stay at home and seek online advice from your fertility Expert.
- Wash your hands frequently with handwash for at least 20 to 30 seconds.
- Use an alcohol-based sanitizer that contains alcohol.
- Use cleaning wipes and sprays to disinfect surfaces touched frequently.
- When sneezing, cover your nose and hands with a tissue instead of your hands.
- If you have already started the therapy at the best IVF clinic in Delhi, do not let the COVID 19 debacle derail you, because pregnant women do not seem to be at higher risk for a severe version of COVID 19 than non-pregnant women.
Baby Joy IVF Clinic is Delighted To Announce Certain Changes
Always be aware of safety measures at your Clinic for IVF and strict adherence to government guidelines before visiting an IVF Clinic, as the entire process, from counseling to embryo transfer takes place. In addition, we have made the following changes to our best IVF Clinic for patient safety:
Our staff at the best clinic for IVF treatment is on the COVID -19 daily triage questionnaire, which includes questions to identify infections. If they suspect they have COVID, they are also screened with an RTPCR test. Our team will ask you to wash your hands and take your temperature.
Mask and PPE Kits
During the procedures, our employees will wear PPE kits in accordance with national standards. In addition, in accordance with government guidelines, we will require you to wear a face mask while in the clinic for IVF.
In order to disinfect the surfaces and the air, we set up UV lamps (during non-working hours) and perform sterilization.
COVID Screening
Before beginning the treatment, we test all couples for COVID using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and repeat the screening before each treatment step, such as embryo transfer or egg retrieval.
Final Words
There is no such thing as a bad time to start a family, and people who want to have a child through assisted reproduction can certainly choose IVF even during this pandemic. However, gather all the necessary information for making an informed decision, and whatever you decide, make your physical and emotional health a priority. We realize that the last few months may have been very stressful for you, and we at the best IVF clinic in Delhi are happy to tell you that we are certain that we can achieve the best results for you. You can be sure that you are on the right track!
If you need help to begin your IVF journey with the best clinic for IVF, please contact us at 88-0000-1978 or visit, and we will gladly walk you through the entire procedure.
Comment (3)
wishing all wannabe parents a success. being a father of two healthy kids, i understand its important to become a parent.
Informative blog for all..
Informative blog . Thanks for sharing